Namaqua Kalahari Children’s Home – fr
Nous construisons un bâtiment pour que 60 enfants aient une maison où ils pourront manger, dormir, jouer et étudier, loin des abus, du harcèlement et même des viols dont ils sont régulièrement victimes.
Second basketball camp held at Thionck Essyl
Last June 22 Dani Osul and Marta Orrutia traveled to Thionck Essyl to carry out the second basketball camp. We took with us 20 basketballs, 30 kits designed by ...
New volunteer architects
We welcome to Thionck Essyl the new team of volunteer architects who will be working until December on the construction of Bajankusoor, the future vocational sc ...
Annual Activity Report 2023
Annual Activity Report 2023 We closed the 2023 fiscal year with great excitement and two major projects underway. You will discover them in this Current Rep ...
Basket workshop at CEM Kamanar
The objective of this workshop was to promote sports in general and basketball in particular among the boys and girls of Cem Kamanar in Thionk Essyl. Learn basi ...
CEM Kamanar winner of the Aga Khan Architecture Award 2022
We are very proud to announce that our CEM Kamanar school has received one of the most prestigious and well-endowed international architecture awards: the Aga ...
Kamanar exhibition at Espacio 88
El 16 de junio, en el Espacio 88 de Barcelona, se inauguró la exposición colectiva, coral y solidaria “Kamanar”
CEM Kamanar, International FAD Award 2022 finalist
CEM Kamanar Secondary School in Senegal is one of the finalist projects at International FAD Awards 2022. ...
Foundawtion at Dakar Biennale
Foundawtion is somehow present in the Dakar Biennale off, thanks to this installation by industrial designer Marc Morro. The installation revolves around the furniture collection created exclusively for CEM KAMANAR, a school in Thionck Essyl built by the foundation.
Professional Training Centre. Bajankusoor
The project with which we want to help activate the local economy is the Bajankusoor Vocational Training Center. A trade school that helps families in the area to set up new businesses and become self-sufficient. The work has already begun, in charge of the dawoffice architecture studio and the patronage of Teknia.
Namaqua Kalahari Children’s Home
We want to build a building so that 50 boys and girls have a home where they can eat, sleep, play and study, away from the mistreatment, humiliation and even rape to which they are habitually subjected.
SAMBUN · Thionck Essyl Arts Festival
The festival was born as a meeting place for artists from both Africa and other parts of the world to promote access to contemporary art in Thionck Essyl
CEM School Kamanar
The CEM Kamanar project began in Barcelona in 2014, when David García and Aina Tugores, architects from the dawoffice studio, met with the authorities of Thionck Essyl and made the decision to build a new secondary school. The aim was to solve the overcrowding in the only secondary school existing in Thionck Essyl at that time.
CEM Kamanar Furniture (Completed)
During the construction of the CEM Kamanar school, the Marc Morro studio was in charge of designing the furniture…
Carpentry Workshop (Completed)
In 2018, in parallel to the construction of the school (2014-2021)…
Art Workshops
The aim of the workshop is to learn the hook technique to create small rugs…
Company Workshops
En 2019, la economista y especialista en gestión de empresas Gemma Aguyé realizó…
Nutrition Workshops
At Thionck Essyl, they do not know about drying fruit (mangos or tomatoes for example)…
Sports Workshop
Foundawtion has completed the construction of the football ground and the basketball court at CEM Kamanar…
#Hunger – Covid-19
When Foundawtion was completing construction on the school in Senegal for 500 children…
#HomeSchooling – Covid-19
Due to the pandemic, Foundawtion ceased activities in Senegal, closing the work and repatriating all the volunteers…
Water Collection Tower (under development)
The aim of the project is to build a water collection system on the isle of Urong…
Drying Oven (under development)
The project for the construction of a drying oven for fruit and vegetables is at its initial stages…